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1. Are there any negative side effects from training?


Because change, even for the better, is always a step into the unknown. It is by no means uncommon for a child to become even more restless for some time, sometimes even more lively, have negative emotions, but our experience is that this is a temporary phase lasting approximately 2-4 weeks.


As the training increase effectiveness of the nervous network,  the brain become to perceive the environment more quickly, sensory hypersensitivity attenuates, and early reflexes, that interfere with the ability to concentrate, gradually subside one at a time, this is leading to a better and calmer state of being at the same time. The whole process also reduces background stress, which increases stress tolerance, which helps to cope better in everyday life.

Bedwetting can also sometimes happen, which in the same way has been a transient phenomenon. We have, for example, helping those, who have not received help from any other known method with their bed-wetting problems. The possible explanation for the good rehabilitation results in the treatment of bedwetting is, that many early reflexes interfere with muscle functions, and at night that interference also affects the sphincter of the bladder. In vigilance, involuntary muscle control still prevents urine from escaping, but when sleeping at night, the musculoskeletal effect causes the sphincter to leak, especially if the bladder already has some pressure in it, where the pressure initially leaks and eventually opens the bladder closure open.


Thus, if a child has had relatively strong primitive reflexes (e.g., ATNR and STNR), then therapeutic activation of rehabilitation reflexes, which ultimately after training dampens the reflex, may sometimes even cause nocturnal enuresis. However, we have registered only one such case in Finland, where thousands of children have been treated with reflex rehabilitation. So this has been a very rare but therefore a possible event.

A very positive side effect has also been observed, as many children who have experienced migraine-type headaches have completely stopped it as the exercises progress. The explanation here maybe, that the existence of primitive reflexes after infancy is an exception to the normal neurological state of brain functions, and this situation may also cause blood circulatory conflicts in the brain, ending in arterial muscle cramping, and it can cause migraine. When this contradiction situation is eliminated through the attenuation of primitive reflexes, this contradiction no longer exists.

2. Does training always help?

We have had thousands of treated cases, and we have noticed, that if a child has had an abnormal early developmental period, has not crawled and creep, has a clear symptom of early reflexes, and if parents exercise accurately as directed, it is rare, that this exercise program does not help. But please note, the FinnSenso program is no general treatment for all children’s ailments or problems. It is a developmental exercise program designed to treat mild developmental problems. And that if you want a good result, the program must be done following the instructions from start to finish.

We ourselves were also very interested to know if the training helps others other than those with learning difficulties?


When we conducted 2006-2008 a 2-year experiment in three cities in Finland under the influence of this program, our assumption was that it would help those with problems, but the results clearly showed that the internship enhanced everyone's learning ability. The groups happened as if an upgrade for everyone who participated in the internship. The good learners became even better, in the middle caste learners, many became a good learner and many in the these who have had problems rose to the middle caste. Only the weakest learners remained at the same poor level, who absolutely need individual professional therapy. 


See the result of the teacher interview survey in question nr. 5.

So the answer to your question is that according to our research, this program develops everyone’s learning ability. And when you think about it, the reason is obvious: when all the child's senses and nerve connections are intensified, the performance in everything difficult will of course improve, including the ability to learn.

3. There is no active auditory training in the FinnSenso program. Auditory problems are often behind, for example, dyslexia and dysphasia. How could we rehabilitate hearing as well?

You are perfectly right in this. Hearing and auditory discrimination are very important especially in learning to speak and learning to read. This is why we offer also individual hearing stimulation, auditory discrimination rehabilitation.  


Currently, we can make a limited number of individual hearing rehabilitation recordings, which we send to customers, for example, via the Internet. For this, we need the result of the child's hearing test made by a hearing professional, the hearing threshold test. Scan the result of this, and send it to us by e-mail. Then we make with help of this hearing test the individual hearing rehabilitation material and send it to you in MP3 format.


Contact us in this matter, for example, via the contact form at

4. The teacher was very interested in this developmental program that you have used in Finnish schools and kindergartens. Is there any course in English for teachers?

We have also a training course suitable for primary schools and kindergarten teachers. I have indeed taught this program in 20 years' time in Finland to more than 2,000 teachers, and more and more teachers would like to attend the course. Ask the teacher to contact us using the contact form, which can be found on this the


5. Has the FinnSenso program been studied, for example, by monitoring children's learning outcomes?

We participated in a large-scale Finnish research project in 2006-2008, where new methods for treating the problems of learning were looked after. The following diagram is a summary table of the final report of this exercise program we developed.




The project we carried out initially involved groups from10 kindergartens and 10 school classes in Helsinki, Espoo, and Vantaa. This diagram illustrates the teachers' answers to the question:


"In which areas did you see a clear development compared to previous years where this new developmental training has not yet taken place?


You can see good results in Reading, Writing, Social Interaction, Attention, and Concentration. All these areas are central to learning and they are even prerequisites for success in school.

Because children were not subjected to auditory individual training in this study, and it was only a matter of monitoring the effects of group training, areas of assessment such as reading and errors in writing were naturally not significantly improved. If children had been subjected to auditory individual training, these areas would certainly have developed better as well.

In conclusion, I can say that the result was very good, actually even better than expected.

6. This FinnSenso program is really inexpensive. How is it possible?

Here, these benefits of modern information technology and the use of the Internet in an intelligent way are now being exploited. Once the exercise program and videos have been made and these can be obtained with an automated system, this process is now not burdened by expensive manpower.


You will indeed get our more than 20 years of experience in rehabilitation at your fingertips now for very little money, but it will not detract from the quality of the program in any way.


Now it’s up to you whether you can provide this developmental program with your child. I really recommend it. This is an opportunity that should not be missed.

7. If the training is interrupted for several months, how should it be continued?

Life is often changeable and difficult at times, and it is by no means uncommon for training to be interrupted sometimes, even for a longer period of time. We have found that, for example, in the rehabilitation of primitive reflexes, when the training stops, the situation does not worsen back. It means, that you can continue where you left off. This is a really good and comforting observation, which also gives you the strength to move forward.

8. How and what can I tell other parents about this program who may need this for their own children?


Perhaps the easiest way is to recommend visiting our website and the information pages for your language area (English). Of course, you can tell others about your experiences, which is usually important in bringing new methods to the public’s attention.

9. Why do you use a computer speech synthesizer here to produce speech?

The reason for this is that it is quite difficult for us Finns to learn good pronunciation, and good and fluent pronunciation in a foreign language is important to get the messages across. Of course, I have given lectures at international seminars, but in this course, there are tens of hours of speech, which goes so much better with the help of modern technology. Likewise, we can now offer the program to several different language areas by orthodox speech. Here is another important point that significantly reduces costs, and that also affects the fact, that we can sell the training program so cheaply.

10 When can the course be in languages other than English?

At this point, the course is only available in English, but we are constantly working to get it translated into other languages.

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