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Explanations of the questionnaire

Poor posture, forward stooping posture, neck in forward protruding position? The sitting position while watching books or drawing: bending over the table.


Poor posture may be an indication of the effect of the uninhibited TLR primitive reflex. It adversely affects motor skills and causes harmful muscle tension in the body. It also impairs the ability to concentrate.














Sensitivity profiling

Is the child exceptionally timid and tense, especially in new situations?

Are changing situations particularly difficult and distressing?

Does the child have sensory hyper-sensitivities?

Disturbing sensitivity, sensory hypersensitivity, and tenderness may result from a remnant of the Moro primitive reflex. It significantly impairs the ability to concentrate, maintains high levels of stress, and exposes anxiety and phobia when left untreated.

the Oral tensions?

Oral tensions may be derived from remnants of seeking and sucking primitive reflexes that are not attenuated during infancy. Then they impair the free use of the mouth and cause, for example, articulation problems, speech production problems and the child may mess when eating. If a child attends speech therapy, these reflexes slow down the effect of speech therapy.

Hand tensions?

Compressive or so-called abnormal pen grip?

Remains of ATNR and STNR primitive reflexes may affect the hands and hips and legs.         A typical effect on the hands is extra tension in the hands, as shown in pictures, for example, by a very squeezing pen grip or an abnormal pen grip, a very strong or fist pen grip.






These reflex residues hinder the free use of the musculature and impair the ability to concentrate.



Difficult to sit still, it is like there are ants in the pants?







The pelvic region and legs may be affected by remnants of ATNR and STNR primitive reflexes. A typical effect is seen, for example, as difficulty sitting still. The child often changes sitting position, likes to sit on his feet or flows into a so-called supine sitting position, or sits with his arms and legs in a tense position.

These reflex residues impede the free use of the musculature and impair motor skills, complicate sports preferences, and impair the ability to concentrate.

Auditory problems?

Hearing is a human's sense of communication. A child can have a so-called normal hearing, i.e. better than 20 dB, but the child still does not understand well, what he is hearing. Then the question is about the problem of auditory discrimination. In a small child, it can cause a slowing down speech development, or even there is no speech at all. A child may seem absent, even autistic because he or she does not understand what is being said to him or her. The child gets tired easily. This problem easily causes dyslexia, especially in boys. It also impairs linguistic memory. Auditory problems also cause concentration problems, difficulty following the teacher’s instructions, and the brain has to work hard to figure out what was being said, which makes the child tiring and exhausting easily.

In the picture (audiogram) the child has had several prolonged ear infections as baby time. The ear doctor may say, that the hearing curve is still at the so-called normal level, i.e. better that 20 dB, but the child had serious problems in understanding speech and learning to read. The ear doctors diagnose may be retro cochlear hearing loss, meaning: the brain does not understand what ears are hearing. This is a typical auditory discrimination problem and hearing curve after several prolonged ear infections in childhood, so-called sinking hearing curve.

                              Typical hearing curve after prolonged ear infections in childhood.


This problem can be treated with auditory therapy, where a professional-made hearing threshold test is required. Then with help of it, we can make therapy material that strengthens the synaptic connections of hearing in the auditory cortex.


Remnants of primitive reflexes cause easily problems with concentration. Likewise, they put significant strain on the brain and maintain high background stress, which in turn impairs stress tolerance.

It is often based on incomplete reflex development during infancy, which often causes the baby not to crawl and creep in a way that integrates the brain, and this situation often results in problems, for example, with learning and concentration.

Another typical reason for concentration difficulties may be auditory problems.


Motor skills

As has been pointed out in previous paragraphs, the effect of primitive reflexes, if not inhibited during infancy, makes it significantly more difficult to use muscular tissue. At that point, they impair motor skills.

Another factor that affects motor skills is balance management. It is influenced, for example, by the seamless interaction of the tactile sense, eyes, and balance mechanism.


Did the questionnaire indicate that your child has problems in several of these areas?

Did the questionnaire show, that your child has problems with posture, sensitivity, balance, use of muscles, concentration, speech development, memory, or motor skills? In our experience, these are often due to poor sensory activation, auditory discrimination problems, poor nerve integration, or remnants of primitive reflexes.

To correct these problems, we have worked over 20 years in the field of neurophysiological therapy, and we have developed the holistic FinnSenso training program, which you can study and implement now completely with the help of the Internet.

Give a change to your child - implement

the FinnSenso developmental training program

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