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How athletes can benefit from neurophysiological training ?

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 Do you need help with body control, speed, accuracy,
sustainability, concentration, game reading, and winning?

the Winner Program, Neurophysiological Sports Training can help

Check out the following Winner blog videos

Video 1.  Brief overview


Video 2. Wider overview


Video 3:  The effect of hearing on performance for the athletic


Video 4: Visual system and sports:


Video 5:   Sense of balance and sports


Video 6:   Automatic reactions and sports


Neurophysiological training for sport, the Winner Program gives the new important element to sport training, improved nervous activation and organization bringing better concentration, reduced neural stress and helping to win.

It is intended for athletes, coaches

and enthusiasts alike.


Today, in sports training, everyone has, in principle, high-quality coaches, a good muscle tone, and a lot of genre-type training. Despite this, athletes may find it difficult to achieve the best results in important competitions. He might face sudden unpredictable coordination problems in the final race, he might have problems with stress tolerance and concentration and makes mistakes, and lose the game. It is often said that the "head can not stand" or that the excitement has spoiled the performance. The New NeuroPhysCoaching is available for this situation.

The assessment


All senses are carefully studied and subjected to specific training.


First, we make a neurophysiologic assessment, and with help of it, a personal exercise program is designed. In the assessment the following areas are looked at:
• Reflexes, both primitive and adult reflexes
• Balance and coordination
• The visual system
• The sense of touch
• The auditory system
• Sports history, performance profile, etc.

Background studies include interviews with parents and interviews with previous and current coaches.


Based on the assessments and interviews, an individual training program is designed to improve the functioning and integration of sensory and reflex systems.

Training is also directed to involuntary systems, which are often coursing many kinds of mystical problems, increasing stress and worsening the ability to concentrate.

Training should be done daily bases and training sessions takes about 15-20 min/day. A control assessment should be carried out in about 2-month intervals.


The objective of the program is to create better brain organization, quicker reactions, better decisions making ability, and better conditions for sports performance.


As an added bonus, learning ability and social interaction can be improved.


Possible effects of NeuroPhysiological Sports Training:

Better Body control


Shorter reaction time

Better nervous activity and organization will improve and speed up automatic reactions and eliminate performance-disrupting factors.

Increased accuracy
For example improved concentration ability, proper functioning of the reflex system, and better and quicker visual perception.

More durability
Better nervous organization consumes less energy and gives more physical durability.


Stress tolerance increases

When the sensory system is working better the background stress will be lower and the stress tolerance increases.

Improving concentration ability.

A sharper sensory system and better stress tolerance improve the ability to concentrate.

Better "game reading"
Better neural organization and improved synaptic systems in the brain improve faster analysis of changing situations in the came and helps athlete react faster and better on the playing field.

Help in winning


How does NeuroPhysCoaching differ from medical methods?

Medical training tools rely usually on medicines, and these either stimulate the brain, increase muscle mass (steroids) or increase oxygen uptake (e.g. asthma medicines or ways of improving blood oxygenation intake). Most of these are forbidden but unfortunately used.


NeuroPhysCoaching is a completely non-medical methodology. It is based on brain training and it is using the methods of strengthening the synaptic contacts and building all new neural pathways or better working organization in the brain.


With these methods, it is also possible to inhibit the uninhibited disturbing reflexes, which can maintain the high neural stress, and overactivation in sensory systems or can cause increased stress in the most demanding competitive situations.

Now I have published an Internet-based Winner program, where the analysis and follow-up form can be used to identify problem areas and proceed on your own in practice.


From this link, you can access the Winner program pages.

Implement the Winner program and achieve better results.

Veli Laurinsalo



Trained by:

Peter Blythe, The Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology (INPP), Chester, England;

Kjeld Johansen, Baltic Dyslexia Research Lab, Danmark,

Harry Wachs, The Vision and Conceptual Development Center, Washington DC, USA

Steen Aalberg &Steen Saust, Kraskin&Skeffington Institute, Danmark

Håkan Calsson, Sensomotorisk Centrum i Mjölby, Sweden

University of Applied Sceences, Helsinki, Finland (Auditory researcher studies)

Uppsala University, Sweden: BBA

Where does NeuroFysCoaching come from?

I studied the methods of neurophysiologic rehabilitation in both the European and the US.


I worked first mainly with the learning difficulties of children, young people and adults, but I also treated athletes and musicians. It was wonderful to see the effects of training both for athletes and musicians. How stresses decreased and performance improved.

Who were our teachers?

One of the important developer in the field of sports training was Dr Harry Wachs (the Vision & Conceptual Development Center, Washington DC), which had successfully helped sports athletes in the US and the US Olympic Committee even recommended these "new" methods for use.

In Europe my very important teacher was among others. psychologist Peter Blythe, involuntary reflex system, (INPP, UK), Dr. Kjeld Johanssen, auditory system (Danmark) and Håkan Carlsson ( Sweden).


In Finland I have studied hearing researcher studies in University of Applied Sceences, Helsinki


I have worked as therapist and teach professionals to use neurophysiological methods in their therapy work. I also teach the teachers to use the specific methodology (named Sensomoottori) what is designed to be used in schools and kindergartens.

I also designed a neurophysiological exercise program for children (FinnSenso program) and for musicians and athletes (Winner Program).

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